Six retired generals came out and criticized the Secretary of Defense for the conduct of the war, and to hear the FOX News and rightie bloggers tell it, they might as well have been on Osama's payroll. Since when does being an American mean that any one of us is supposed to sit down and shut up? If dissenters hate freedom, then up is down.
We are told that America stands for " Freedom of Speech " but these days Americans are told they are " Emboldening the enemy " if they have a point of view that differs from the Government line , it reminds me of a russian comedian who said , " In America , you can stand in Times Square and shout ' I dont agree with the President of The United States ' ..... and in Russia you can do the same .... you can stand in Red Square and shout ' I dont agree with the President of The United States ' ........ it was funny at the time , but now you would be considered a traitor if you did this in Times Square , we now see Presidential candidates referred to as " American Heroes " and as " Traitorous " , there are a large amount of Americans who are scared , so scared that will believe any nonsense tossed at them by the Republican press and its no coincidence that these people are Christian fundimentalist - gun toting - hummer driving white people .
Its about time that these people realized that they lost the war ( the civil war ) and started to get with the program , they live in some 18th century utopia where they rule the world and everyone else should bow to their opinions .
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