I can remember a time in the States when everyone had to be vigilant , everyone had to keep their eyes on their neighbours , even their friends because of " The Red Peril " ........... Reds under the beds was no joke , this was serious , these " Commies " were trying to undermine the American way of life ............ and they were everywhere !!!!
Funny thing is ........... since The American Government discovered ( invented ) Al Qeada ......... why ..... all the communists have simply vanished , they are no more , they have ceased to be !
Makes you wonder how much of a real threat they were in the first place ........... or does it ?
I guess that if you live in Alabama ........ you just consider whoever the Government tells you is a threat to be the threat .......... dont these people ever ask questions ?
I'm not scared of Communists , I'm not that scared of Al Qeada ......... the people who scare me are the American people who believe whatever their told and vote for the people who make up the stories , the Americans who think that they live in a Democracy ........ and they have guns , lots and lots of guns !!!
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