Thursday, October 29, 2009

FORMULA TELEVISION ...............

Its hard to believe that we as a species are willing to put up with watching the same TV show ad infinitum just because we are too stupid to simply switch it off .
I for one find that I read more and spend alot more time on the internet searching for information about subjects that I have an interest in . I dont want to end up eating pizza every evening while watching soap operas or nonsense reality shows while my brain quietly turns to mush .
I do remember formula TV from my childhood , but it wasn't every show , every evening .... obvious examples from my childhood were the American Cop shows that inevitably had the same outcome week in and week out . Lets take CHiPs as an example of these offenders .... every episode began with our heroes ( Jon and Ponch ) chasing but not apprehending the badies , part two usually involved them meeting two young women and the final part always had them catch the bad guys and the episode invariably ended with a cheesy joke . This was the formula for almost every imported cop show but at least we only saw each show once and only once a week .
I guess my brain was able to handle this formula as long as it didn't happen every evening with every show , once a night may have been my limit .
Then the once a night slowly morphed into twice a night and then into almost every TV show on every channel every night until I barely watch anything other than sport and news anymore .
If someone had told me fifteen years ago that I would be so fed up of watching episodes of Only Fools and Horses that I would switch over to watch a news channel , I wouldn't have believed them ........ but that is exactly the case now . Shows that were absolute classics have become anoyingly familiar and of course familiarity breeds contempt .
I also remember watching a programme called Takeshi's Castle ten years ago because the daughter of a friend of mine [ who was 9 at the time] thought it was hilarious ........ I simply gritted my teeth and thought " those Japanese have no dignity and no sense of what entertainment is " ..... and yet today there are programmes made in the UK and the US (Wipeout) which are based on this formula [
ABC’s “Wipeout” Television Show Subject Of Copyright Infringement Lawsuit Filed By Tokyo Broadcasting, Creator Of Takeshi's Castle/MXC Show].

Of course everything comes down to money in the end , the biggest return for the smallest outlay is the perfect formula for the corporations who control our lives , what could be cheaper than to use the public to make TV programmes for the public ?Its the collusium all over again except that instead of death , we revel in the ritual humiliation of people we believe we are superior to and when we get fed up of seeing the public ridiculed we simply turn to watching Z-list Celebs in ever more embarrassing situations in the hope that it will somehow reinvigorate their career's .
It all smacks of a lack of respect for peoples dignity and we wonder why the youth of today no longer respect not only their elders but anything at all .

Funny thing is ...... when I look at the stuff on Youtube .... I see loads of imagination , but instead of employing the young genius's of tomorrow , the powers that be simply steal the ideas and palm them off as their own ........ its such a shame .

We are such a moral species ..... we wont allow cigarettes to be advertized on TV , and alcohol is slowly being pushed out of the television arena ........ but we are quite happy to see people humiliated night after night and think that there will be no consequence whatsoever ....... McDonalds and Pizza Hut can still advertize in our living room even though we are all agreed that todays children have never been so obese ............. we are such idiots .

When the first episode of Celebrity Enema airs , I hope I'm way to busy doing something interesting to be bothered watching it !

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