Thursday, May 20, 2010

Art Heist in Paris

Thieves made off with about $600 million worth of art from a Paris museum last night, including paintings by Matisse and Picasso. Art lovers, be not afraid: The blackguards are sure to return the priceless works once they get wind of this major scolding from Pierre Cornette de Saint-Cyr, director of a neighboring museum:

"You cannot do anything with these paintings. All countries in the world are aware, and no collector is stupid enough to buy a painting that, one, he can't show to other collectors, and two, risks sending him to prison," he said on LCI television. "In general, you find these paintings," he said. "These five paintings are un-sellable, so thieves, sirs, you are imbeciles, now return them."

The possibility de Saint-Cyr appears to be overlooking: The theft was commissioned by a private collector, and the thieves won't have to worry about selling the paintings,

French gendarmes have released this picture of a man they wish to interview in connection with the robbery ------------->>>>

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