Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It’s Time to Stop hating Americans

On a recent internet blog, I read a truly alarming article regarding the hunting of American tourists. The article was advocating the killing of American tourists as though they were animals simply because of the way they look. type of hate mongering is nothing short of racism and shouldn’t be tolerated in a civilised society. Americans have been discriminated, repressed and ridiculed for years by the European fashion (or fascist) elite because of the clothes they wear, the food they eat or the way they pronounce French words.

What do these people care whether Americans prefer a big Mac to a Ossobuco alla milanese when on holidays in Milan. What’s it to them whether Americans wear “ Sarah Palin for President ” t-shirts and Bermuda shorts to a Paris Michelin star restaurant. It has been suggested by some Europeans that George W Bush started this with his war on " Tourism " after the events of 9/11 , who can forget his " you are with us or you are against us " speech ? .

Why should we give a feck if Americans are always complimenting us Irish on how well we speak English. What harm is it that Americans believe Dublin is in England or that London was named after London Illinois.

These are simple mistakes any one could make. It’s time Americans stood up and said NO to this kind of Nonsense.

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