Friday, June 18, 2010

McDonald’s says gay-themed TV ad won’t air in US

A gay-themed TV ad for McDonald’s being shown in France won’t be shown in the US – yet within a week of its appearance on YouTube it has scored more than half a million hits.
The ad shows a gentle teen in a restaurant waiting for his dad to bring the food back to the table. As he waits, he’s on the phone to a male friend while looking at a picture of his all-male class. As his father approaches the table, the young man says he’s got to go, and rings off.
Then, the father talks of how the young man would be popular with the women, and the teen gives his father a look that is something between a fond smile and a gentle, knowing sneer.

According to the online business magazine BNET, “It seems like the French ad is turning into a lose–lose situation for McDonald’s, angering those on both sides of the fence. American gays and lesbians feel shunned that the ad is only airing in France, while the American right is baffled and disturbed that it aired at all, anywhere.


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