Sunday, July 4, 2010


Comments about the war in Afghanistan made by Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele have resulted in fellow conservatives calling for him to "step down quickly."

Steele , the poster-boy for the GOP since Obama came to power pronounced that the war in Afghanistan was "of Obama's choosing," that the conflict was "a lost cause" for America, and his description of the circumstances surrounding the dismissal of Gen. Stanley McChrystal as "comical."

The LA Times notes that William Kristol, Liz Cheney, and Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma have asked Steele to submit his resignation.
According to the LA Times, William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard and a top aide in the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations, wrote an open letter to Steele saying, "You are, I know, a patriot. So I ask you to consider, over this July 4 weekend, doing an act of service for the country you love: Resign as chairman of the Republican Party."

Steele can also be heard saying, in reference to President Obama, "If he's such a student of history, has he not understood that, you know, that's the one thing you don't do, is engage in a land war in Afghanistan? Everyone who has tried, over 1,000 years, has failed."

Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), former chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee and ex-chief of staff at the RNC, told
" Frankly, I find Steele's remarks totally unacceptable. He should apologize and resign. He undercut American forces fighting in the field, politicized further a war that two presidents of different parties have deemed in the national interest and embarrassed the party he purports to lead. It is time for him to go — quickly ".

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