Sunday, July 11, 2010


When it was first announced that Jeff Bridges would be playing the role of Rooster Cogburn in the Coen brothers' remake of True Grit, it perplexed many people , but if you were thinking that the Coens would just try and dress Bridges like The Duke, prepare to be surprised , between the goatee, the bowler hat and the three piece suit, is is evident that Joel and Ethan are going for a different approach.

When the True Grit remake was first announced, the Coens were said to be making a more faithful adaptation of Charles Portis' novel, and it seemed like it might head into darker No Country for Old Men territory. But the book features a lot of deadpan humor mixed with Old Testament lessons, and if they stick to it for the script, it'll play to their talents extremely well.

At first glance, Bridges seems a pretty offbeat choice for Rooster Cogburn .Rooster is a killer, but he's also a fall down drunk, full of sarcastic quips, and surprisingly tender-hearted. He's far from the typical stoic John Wayne character, and it was a bigger departure for Wayne than it would be for Jeff . Bridges would be a perfect choice for blending the rugged charm, the humor, and the "true grit" of Rooster, and he's talented enough to not just play it as an imitation, but make it iconic on its own. If this comes together, it's one remake that could actually equal or outdo the original.

The film will also star Matt Damon [Ranger La Boeuf] , Josh Brolin [Tom Chaney] and 13 year old newcomer Hailee Steinfeld as Mattie Ross .

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