Lilou the cat is a suburban house cat who lives in Ireland. One day the cat boarded a train near her home, taking her into the bustling and busy city of Dublin.
The lost cat was found by staff at Dublin's Pearse Street train station who looked after her while working out how to return her to her owner.
Searching through the vast amount of CCTV images that come in from Dublin's huge rail network, staff discovered where Lilou had boarded. They were then able to use that information to send a Tweet about the lost cat on Twitter, giving out the location where she boarded along with a picture of the cat.
Using the IrishRail Twitter account, they sent out this information and waited to see if Lilou would be claimed. Soon after, Lilou was happily reunited with her owner, Eric Bieci, who made sure to thank everyone involved.
Once the cat was returned to her owner, she was awarded a rail pass, photo ID and all. Because you can’t just walk right onto the train without paying a fare!
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