Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kent Bonfire Society Burn 50ft Wayne Rooney Effigy for Halloween

A Kent bonfire society has unveiled a 50ft Wayne Rooney as its celebrity Guy.

The giant effigy is filled with fireworks and sports a pair of fetching green Shrek-style ears and a Man Utd shirt. The highly flammable Rooney is also holding a copy of his lucrative new contract under one arm and a big bag full of money in the other. Satirical effigies, eh. God love em.

Rooney will be set on fire at Edenbridge Bonfire Society’s display, which is one of the most popular displays in England.

The society’s spokesman, Charles Laver, said: “I hate football myself so I’m quite happy to burn a footballer. One of our members is a big Man U fan, so he’s been advising us on getting all the details of the kit just right.”

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