Monday, November 22, 2010

TSA [Transportation Security Administration] USA

Since its inception, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been a bad example of Security Theater, ineffective, a waste of taxpayer money, and violators of our personal rights. Groping genitals and taking virtually nude pictures of you does not make us safe, despite the lies from the government. The invasive procedures enacted by the TSA are proving to be a bigger threat to America's aviation industry than the terrorists they allegedly protect us from.

The backlash over invasive "security" procedures -- being told to stand inside a machine that takes virtually nude pictures of you while dosing you in unsafe amounts of radiation, or being subject to genital groping tantamount to sexual assault by power hungry, poorly trained security guards instead to coerce and intimidate the public - which is terrorism as defined by the PATRIOT Act - into going through the airport body scanners to allegedly keep us safe -- is growing.


The TSA's security theater won't stop terrorists. Anyone who is serious about getting contraband on an airplane will find a way to do it. Invasive, unhealthy scanners won't stop them. Abolishing the TSA would save a lot of taxpayer money.

It has become obvious why the U.S. Government systematically covered up the fabricated terrorism of the Flight 253 fiasco: On Christmas day 2009, a "terrorist" was asked to be allowed to board a plane from Yemen to the U.S. by a U.S. government agent, despite the fact that said "terrorist" had no identification, no money, no passport, etc. Said "terrorist" tried detonating an underwear bomb but failed. Aside from proving yet again that the Government fraudulently investigates itself, the Congressional committee "investigating" it covered it up so the government could enrich the lobbyists pushing for the use of body scanners and invasive search procedures at airports.

Technically, air travelers have two choices: Either go through a machine that can be hazardous to your health and invasive, or be subject to having your genitals fondled and sexual abuse while being searched. One TSA agent admitted to the Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg that genital groping is being used as a means of coercion to make people go through the hazardous, invasive machines.

At least one TSA agent who has fondled children while searching them has been charged with child rape. There will probably be a lot more before all is said and done.

One word of caution for those planning to fly on November 24, 2010: A "we won't fly" protest is gaining strength and there is a national movement underway to opt out of the scanning for the more intrusive strip searches, which will greatly enhance the time it takes fliers to get to their planes. TSA agents could be busy searching a lot of people that day, so if you're flying that day, you may want to allow extra time for that.

How many in Congress and other high levels in the U.S. government get to go through the Security Theater procedures? None that I could find, and none that would admit to it. Make the President, his family, including his children, everyone in Congress, Homeland Security, etc. go through the same procedures and see how long the useless Security Theater lasts. Unsurprisingly, it appears that our Government is not subject to the same procedures the rest of us are. President Obama has the power to stop the illegal procedures with the stroke of his pen if he wanted to. It's time to change that. Using terrorism under the guise of Security Theater is ineffective and illegal and needs to be stopped.

Look at it this way ...... If Iraqi soldiers were in charge on American soil, with the power to stop and search any US citizen they wanted ...... and then , by the subversive [patriotic/terrorist] action of a few US citizens ..... suddenly Iraqi authorities in Iraq started to subject their own citizenry to the same humiliating procedures ........ this would be deemed a victory by Americans.

In other words, this is a terrorist victory along with a money making enterprise for those in charge of it.


NBC's 'Saturday Night Live' took a swipe at the TSA's airport pat-down security controversy in the U.S., likening the TSA employees to characters in a sex worker commercial.

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