For as long as I can remember , there has been some form of slang in use in Ireland and especially in Cork City ......... when I was young , instead of asking a mate " How are you " ? you simply asked " how's she hangin' ? ".
Cork City itself is divided into North side and South side like many cities ......... the river Lee is of course the dividing line . Both Northsiders ( Norries ) and Southsiders are proud of their roots but the language is sometimes different .
Northside ;
Fein .......... male , boy , man .
Beor ......... female , girl , wan , woman .
Nock ........ anything really , spurious term , it can be an object " gis a loand ( loan ) a da nock there will ya boy ? " ........... Is there any chance that I could borrow that item for a short space of time please ? , it can be a person " who's the nock ? " ........... who's the young lady accompanying you this evening ? , it can even be a body part " how's yer nock " .......... how are your nether regions after last nights shenanigans ?.
Stella ........... a young lady who typically wears her hair in a bun , wears large hooped earings and chews gum ( Stella's are always Norries ) .
Be wide ........... be careful .
Be doggy wide ............. be very careful .
Gowl ............ term of derision " feck off you gowl " ....... leave me alone you fool , it can also refer to a ladies bits ........... " the fein feeked the gowl off me last night " ......... the sex I had last night with my man has left me walking rather oddly .
Outlaw .......... Father .
Gaatch ............ Walk , but a certain type of walk " where ja buy da gaatch ? " ........ you think rather alot of yourself , dont you ? .
Gatt .......... Drink " Im hangin for a gatt " .......... I am absolutely parched right now and would love a tipple of my favorite alcoholic beverage .
I will yeah ! ................. I will not !
You would yeah ! ............... You will not !
Ah now sham ................ Thats good .
Story ? ................... Any news ? , often used with " Rory " if addressing a fein , and with " Kid " if addressing a beor .
Feek/Knob/Ride............ Have sexual relations with.
Salk ................ Rob , Steal .
Shades .............. The Police , The Gardai .
Shady ............... Motorcycle cop .
Small fella ................ Young boy / son .
Small wan ................ Young girl / daughter .
A Fifty .............. Being stood up on a date ( to get a fifty )
Droppin ......... Need to use the bathroom .
Langer ............... The original Cork City insult directed at a male ( dickhead / prick ) ........... to be called a Langer is the ultimate insult , and if a stand isn't made one could end up being referred to as " Langer Dan " for all time .
Like ......... this word makes an appearance at least once in every Cork sentence .
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