Friday, June 4, 2010


I used to be a Liverpool supporter
proud as punch was I
I'd watch em week in and week out
red shirt on, showed my pride...

I'd follow them everywhere I would
to see my beloved redmen play
in wind and rain and even snow
3 o'clock every Saturday...

we had lots and lots of good times
we had a few that were bad
there were millions of happy smiles
there were also a few frowns so sad...

but this season has seen us sink to record lows
as we tasted defeat after defeat
we even lost a game to a beach ball
our humiliation was now complete...

the mancs and chavs were laughing
even the bitters took the mick you see
as we kept on losing to small teams
we couldn't even buy a victory...

we even lost away to Portsmouth
the worst team by far in the League
we lost the plot in many games
and not just from fatigue...

I watched my once beloved redmen
continually pass the ball sideways & back
not knowing what on earth to do
I was in a constant state of shock...

what the heck was happening
what about our long and proud history
the famous Liverpool Football Club
reduced to ridicule & misery...

so whose fault was this unacceptable form
week after week after week
with no signs of any improvement
answers did we all seek...

blame Rafa, blame the Yanks, blame the Germans
blame everyone except ourselves
but if we don't have quality players
we have to now clean out the shelves....

we need to get some new players
get rid of the ones who just don't cut
we need to bring back our passion
and start to play again from the gut...

get out the old tapes of Bill Shankly
Sir Bob in his training regime
Joe Fagan and some of King Kenny
get back to the future if you know what I mean...

our club is now in some deep turmoil
we are the laughing stock of the Prem
we need some new owners and new money
or move down the road to play Skem.....

I used to be a Liverpool supporter
my life was filled with pride and joy
but now I'm in a void & random world
ashamed of my red shirted boys...

so it's RIP to the Liverpool FC I once knew
I'll await your resurection soon
please don't keep me waiting
too many Saturday afternoons...

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