Friday, June 4, 2010


A dangerous game known as "sack tapping", which involves punching the groin, has led to one young Minnesota teenager having his right testicle amputated.
David Gibbons,14, was changing classes at Crosby Ironton High School in Minnesota when he was punched in the groin in a game known as "sack tapping."
His mother, Christy Gibbons, told KARE: "One o'clock in the morning he woke me up and told me he was in excruciating pain." David was soon after in St. Joseph's Hospital in Brainerd having his right testicle amputated.
"This may be called a game, but it's not a game. It's dangerous and it needs to stop," warned Christy.
Brainerd urologist Dr. Scott Wheeler said he now performs three to four surgeries a year after "sack tapping" games go awry and testicles are ruptured or other injuries to the groin result. He sees dozens of boys with less severe injuries not needing surgery.
Wheeler said: "It's just gotten way out of control. It's high school, junior high, elementary school."
There are now dozens of videos on YouTube that feature boys getting punched in the groin in this latest "right of passage" initiation for young boys.
"All parents, you need to have this talk with your kids not to do it. It's lost its humor. It's not a game anymore. People get hurt," said Dr. Wheeler.
David said he has had similar assaults in the past. His parents have taken him out of Crosby Ironton High School and will be moving to a different school district.
The school is not commenting on what disciplinary action the student who attacked David may be facing because of "privacy reasons."
The Gibbons family have met with an attorney to inquire about criminal charges being filed against this student.
Doctors have reassured David that even though he has just one testicle now, he still should be capable of fathering children one day.
David's mom wants parents to understand and be aware of what is going on. "I have seen the pain he was in. I seen what he went through every day, and it just breaks my heart and I don't want any other child to have to go through this."

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