Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stargate Universe Season Two [28th Sept]


1. The Lucian Alliance Is Here To Stay

In last spring’s season finale this gang of leather-clad criminals from the Milky Way galaxy managed to gate onto Destiny and hold the crew hostage. Led by the merciless Kiva, the Lucian Alliance hopes to take control of the ship and unlock its secrets for themselves. In addition to Varro (actor Mike Dopud, who appeared in the last three episodes of Season One) as a recurring character, look for two more recurring faces among the Alliance: Simeon (Robert Knepper), a conniving soldier in whom Rush may have met his match, and Ginn (Julie McNiven), a young, female scientist.

The big question is just how (or whether) our crew can coexist with an enemy who stormed the ship and killed people they knew and loved. Who will control the ship? Will the group that’s not in power have a share of food, water, and medical attention? Will they cooperate on missions? Will they take orders from whichever group is in control?

2. Love Is In The Air

In addition to the growth of established relationships, such as Matt and Chloe, bringing new blood onto the ship means new possibilities for romance. Eli will begin a relationship with Ginn, a fellow science nerd who takes a liking to him (as seen in the new Syfy trailer). The lovely Dr. Amanda Perry (actress Kathleen Munroe, first seen in “Sabotage”) will make another visit (the trailer shows a kiss between her and Nicholas Rush). And T.J. will also reportedly find a new shoulder to lean on. … After watching the season finale, our bets are on the muscle-bound yet sensitive Alliance operative, Varro.

3. Rush Will Find Destiny‘s Bridge …

… very early in the season, and he won’t tell anyone — at least at first. In the trailer Rush appears to still be seeing visions of his late wife, Gloria, who appeared to him in a lucid dream while he was plugged into the ship’s chair interface (“Human”). Is she a manifestation of his subconscious, a sign of a mental break, or perhaps the ship herself seeking to communicate?

Rush finds the bridge and, Gloria suggests, the key to unlocking Destiny‘s control systems. In the second episode of the season he’ll decide to deliberately alter the ship’s course, taking them to a planet where the Stargate has been locked out of Destiny‘s reach. Rush decides to keep it to himself that he now can control the ship … and when the others do find out, he will be clearly holding all the cards when it comes to Destiny.

4. Metamorphosis

The trailer shows Chloe undergoing a change, which seems to affect her both physically and mentally. This could be a stand-alone infection story (new info on “Cloverdale” indicates this sort of infection), or it could be a result of her captivity by the “Space” aliens — hinted at when she recognized that alien language on the computer console in “Lost.” The mental change might also be totally separate from the ugly skin condition.

Are the aliens deliberately trying to transform her into something? A hybrid? A weapon? A sleeper agent? An intermediary for communication? Look for some unexpected insights into Rush’s work, obvious complications with her relationship with Matt, and a wicked skin condition that even prescription-strength bacitracin can’t cure.

5. Less Infighting, More Cooperation

– At least as far as that is possible on a show with shifting alliances, an uncertain command structure, and now bad guys living and working alongside us. Definitely expect some of our favorites to come to blows, at least early on in the year. But after a discovery is made (see below), the crew will have common cause to come together much more than they have been to date.

“We kind of establish a common goal, a mission, so that we’re not all focused on going home, but rather going forward,” executive producerRobert C. Cooper said at Comic-Con (via Airlock Alpha). “We may not ever get home, but being here is really, really cool. So let’s stop all this bickering and start trying to work together.”

6. A New Mission

This season the reluctant crew of Destiny will discover just what the ship’s ultimate purpose is — where it is going, and why the Ancients launched it so many eons ago. This will shift much of the focus away from the pressing desire to simply leave the ship and go home.

This is obviously a HUGE step forward in the show’s mythology. Just what the big secret is, we have no idea. (Well, OK, we have a few wild ideas, but no solid info.) But we do know that this discovery comes earlier, rather than later in the season. And we also know that another big piece of the SGU mythology will appear in episode #3: the seeder ships, sent ahead of Destiny by the Ancients to place Stargates on various planets. Destiny catches up with one of its companion vessels, presumably allowing our crew to go aboard. Just what secrets does it hold about why the Ancients launched these ships many millions of years ago?

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