Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Deal with office politics Terminator-style, with this rubber band Gatling gun

One of the things you never hear about in corporate dystopia stories is how office supplies are going to be weaponized. Luckily, some gun geeks have rectified this problem, by inventing a $500 automatic weapon that shoots rubber bands.

The rubber band gun can hold over 100 rubber bands and shoots 1 at a time as fast as you can crank it. The gun comes off of the base so you can hold it when you shoot or just keep it on the base and shoot. As you can see from the pictures that it is not a kids rubber band gun.

This gun is machined from solid billet aluminum then powder coated for color and finish durability. It shoots standard office rubber bands that can be bought at Wal-Mart (UNV-00164) Size 64 which are safe enough for point-blank shooting people (which will happen). Longer barrels can be made per your request that can shoot more powerful rubber bands. Gun weighs 15-20 lbs fully loaded and ready to go.

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