Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Palin 'boycotts' daughter Bristol's wedding

Former Alaska governor and Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, will boycott daughter Bristol Palin's August wedding.

Alaskans, regardless of their political leanings, are likely to covet an invitation to Bristol Palin's wedding this August. However, Sarah Palin, perhaps Alaska's most famous resident, will not attend.

This has created a somewhat awkward situation for Todd Palin, who as the father of the bride, is expected to walk her down the aisle. He has indicated that he will attend, regardless of Mrs. Palin's decision. Some celebrity commentators have speculated that Mr. Palin may be able to persuade Mrs. Palin to attend between now and the day of the wedding. Given the compressed timetable of the marriage (it was announced only this month that they were re-engaged to wed), Mrs. Palin may very well be in attendance.

A local Alaskan has compared the marriage between Levi and Bristol to Princess Diana's wedding to Prince Charles. At least one popular blogger has speculated that Mrs. Palin's reported 'refusal' is merely a publicity stunt to generate additional press for the event, which is at least partially competing with Chelsea Clinton's summer wedding. This post indicates that Mrs. Palin has had every intention of attending wedding all along, as she would not miss the opportunity to attend such a widely covered event.

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