Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Palin's "Refudiate" Tweet: The Typo that Roared

Sarah Palin's attempt to weigh in on the Ground Zero Mosque sparked a Twittersphere explosion thanks to a typo.

Palin called on " peaceful Muslims " to " refudiate " the Muslim community center planned for around the corner from the World Trade Center. Twitter responded by starting to poke at her for creating a word.

Palin could've brushed " refudiate " off as a mere typo of " repudiate." She tried to get away from it by replacing the "refudiate" tweet with " refute " there instead. But the genie was out of the bottle.

Making matters worse past using the wrong word to fix a bad one, Sarah Palin defended herself with the following tweet:

@SarahPalinUSA " Refudiate," " misunderestimate," " wee-wee'd up." English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!

" Refudiate " may grow one of its own accord thanks to Twitter, though. Even today, a day later, there are satirical tweets using " refudiate," along with blends of Shakespeare and Sarah Palin references tagged #ShakesPalin.

Here's an example ....... @Perrspectives Cut @SarahPalinUSA a break for saying " refudiate." It's just her self-defecating humor.

Is it just me ...... or does she remind you a little of David Brent [Ricky Gervaise] in The Office ....... she just doesn't know when to stop digging , even when the hole she's standing in is already twenty feet deep .

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