Saturday, October 30, 2010


Google Street View revealed UK battered women's refuge address

In the latest outrage against Google Street View, a UK Member of Parliament said the exposure of a secret refuge location for battered women now puts those women at risk.

Conservative MP Mark Lancaster claimed Google Street View compromised the security of the refuge building when it published the full address with a picture of the exterior, and when asked to remove it, they ignored requests.

Lancaster said: "[The refuge's] anonymity is crucial to the organization and to the wellbeing of the women and children housed inside.

"Only once women have called the emergency number and a pickup point has been agreed do they find out where the hostel is.

"Imagine their great concern when, on entering the name of the organization in Google, they see a picture of the building the refuge uses and its address appears on the search engine".

Lancaster said Google ignored the requests from the refuge to remove the information from Street View.

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