Wednesday, October 6, 2010

WHAT ....... ME WORRY ?

Sarah Palin for President rumors hit new high after leaked e-mail by wannabe First Dude Todd Palin

Who cares ? ......... really ...... IF she were to get the Republican nomination , and IF she were to win ........ she would end up being a pawn just like every other US President has for the last fifty years. Palin is simply a distraction , a diversionary tactic by the big boys.

2012 will see the X Factor take over the Presidential Electoral system.

My worry is that while we are all looking in one direction ...... there will be something else going on that we all miss ........... thats how it really works. Its called The Kansas City Shuffle and it's been going on for quite a few years now ........ The question we have to ask ourselves is " What do they NOT want us looking at ? "

Now that all the hype about Obama has died down, I still fail to see exactly what he's done that wouldn't have occurred under McCain ..... major institutions would still have been bailed out, Bankers would still have gone back to their old ways ........ it's true what they say ' It doesn't matter who you vote for, the Government always gets in '.

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