Monday, May 30, 2011

'Hangover Part 2' Shatters R-Rated Comedy Records For $137M

This sequel is shattering all R-rated comedy records. The previous largest first week for an R-rated comedy was Sex And The City was $79M. Overseas, Hangover 2 opened bigger than the original in 30 markets including Australia and the UK, where it is dominating with 60% market

The Wolfpack of The Hangover have done it again, virtually the same exact way they did it the first time. In The Hangover Part II, only the location has changed (from Vegas to Bangkok) but all the rest including the unexplained group drunken bender during a pre-wedding party for Ed Helms, the search for the buddy who inexplicably goes missing, the funny animal who just appears in their room (this time a drug-dealing monkey instead of a tiger), crazy Asian Ken Jeong naked again (really he should reconsider baring all) and even though you have to wait all the way to the end, Mike Tyson is back singing too! Predictable , yes. Funny, in parts.

You'd be forgiven for thinking it's a remake

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