Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Bubba, Cooter and Gomer were buddies, did almost everything together ..... mostly hunting and fishing, so when Bubba died in a fire .... Cooter and Gomer were asked to come to the morgue and identify the body. Cooter arrived first and was greeted by the mortician ...... 'Yep', said Cooter .... 'shore looks like Bubba but his face is burned purty bad

, you better turn him over' ...... The mortician did as he was asked and Cooter took a closer look ..... 'Nope' he said .... 'that aint Bubba' and left the room ......... When Gomer arrived, he was shown in to meet with the mortician .... 'Yep' he said, 'same height, same weight .... but just to make sure, you better turn him over' ....... The mortician obliged and Gomer took a closer look ..... 'Nope' he said ..... 'it aint Bubba'.
The mortician said to Gomer .... 'You and Cooter seemed so sure it was your friend until I turned the body over ... what was it that changed your minds ?'

Gomer replied ...... 'The corpse only had one asshole .... Bubba had two ..... everytime you saw Bubba, someone would say "There goes Bubba with the two assholes"'.

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