Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Website ' wants to kill TV ' by sharing 100,000 live TV channels

Tvongle is a company that is attempting to "conquer the world" with its innovative feature of sharing more than 100,000 live television channels through its website. The company's goal is "to kill TV."

File-sharing services over the Internet have been controversial, which dates back to the early 2000s with the invention of Napster. This caused millions of dollars in lawsuits and forced legislators to re-examine copyrights and peer-to-peer networks.

Tvongle.com is a small company that is attempting to redefine online television service by sharing more than 100,000 live television channels from all over the world. However, according to its latest press press release, the company clearly states all the “responsibility is with the user.”

How does it work? The company provides all of its users with a $24 USB TV dongle, which is then connected from the person’s television to a personal computer. From there on, more than 10,000 people can view live television channels.

If you participate in this program, the service is free. However, if you do not want to share your live television channels then you pay a monthly fee of $9 plus the $24 software.
“Napster did it with music. Skype did it with phone calls. We’re doing it with TV.”

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