Wednesday, February 20, 2013

African American Man Tries To Return Ownership of Self To White Family.

NP- Jasper GA.

In what some African American comunity leaders call a disgusting spectacle beyond words, a local black man Henry Simms tracked down the decendants of slave owners who owned his ancesters in an attempt to return himself as 'lost property' in order to collect room and board.

"Times are hard.Henry said as he set up a tent on the vacant lot across from the home of Fred and Lara Duncan.I lost my job last year at the factory,and had to live out of my car." Things looked bleak until Henry saw an episode of ROOTS on BET last summer and decided to track down his family tree.

"I learned that my great,great,Grand father was a slave owned by the Duncans,he told our reporter pointing at the home across the street.I figured 'what the heck' I'll just return myself to them."

The Duncans would not return our calls,but put out a statement which read "We do wish for any troluble,and the actions of Mr.Simms are very disturbing."

Police were called an Mr.simms recived a restraing order keeping him 50 feet from their home. Henry decided to pitch a makeshift camp on the edge of that boundery in a vacant lot.

"They will take ownership of me! If I have to wait all winter out in the cold I will." Henry replied in a determined voice.

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